Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Message from our Founder

Dear Brown Dog Supporters:

Some of you know that my Toffee Nut lost his battle with Mast Cell cancer in mid-June. This past year has been harder than I thought possible. Most days, when asked how I’m doing, I burst into tears. If, by some unknown stroke of luck, I’m able to say “fine, thank you” without immediately crying… I find myself heading to the bathroom for a private breakdown.

The Board and I agreed to put Brown Dog Foundation on the shelf this past November, giving me the time to be with my family and to be able to focus my energy wholly on Toffee and his final journey. I’m thankful that the Board extended me that latitude. Now that the fog is clear, I have one regret… that many families likely had to say goodbye to their own pet so that I could enjoy the final months with mine. In the moment, it was everything I needed. Now, it wrenches my gut.

What the experience with Toffee Nut taught me is that our program is vitally important. As usual, friends and family came out of the woodwork to help me give him the best possible treatment available. It allowed me to have no regrets when the time came. It gave me the peace of knowing he was happy and comfortable until the very end. Too many people do not have the support network I have. Too many people just have to say goodbye because they don't have the financial resources. We have to be able to offer that peace to others. But, we can’t if we do not raise funds.

On November 4th, we’ll hold the Annual Wine Dinner Gala. We need you to attend. We need you to purchase your ticket. The Board underwrites the majority of these expenses for this event so that every dollar spent on tickets is profit, and so that every dollar spent that night is profit. This event is the only way we can continue to fund our program. We’ve tried other styles of events and they do not raise as much money as this dinner does.

I understand that $165 for a dinner ticket “seems” high. But, I want you to consider this… if you knew that $165 would save someone the pain of prematurely losing their beloved pet, would it be worth it? Well, that is exactly what it does - it goes straight to our mission!

I’d like you to consider these words from Susan, who lost Allie this past weekend. “My veterinarian asked me if you knew that I am losing Allie today. I told them how wonderful you and Brown Dog are. Thank you for helping give me more years with my girl. What a priceless gift.” THIS is what your $165 pays for. Pair that satisfaction with the five course gourmet dinner, the high quality wine and entertainment we give you in return... it truly is worth much more than that.

We’ve all lost pets. We all know that pain. Wouldn’t it feel good to help a family avoid that for as long as possible?
Please, reserve your tickets today!
Thank you for your support,

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