In late 2008, my friend Amy Wolanski suggested that we put a team of runners together to raise money for Brown Dog Foundation's National Program. We engaged two of her friends and two of mine, for a team of six.
One of the girls, Katie, shared several stories with me about her roommate's dog, Chance, a five-year old pitbull. Katie loved Chance a lot! Chance trained with her, kept her company and made her laugh when she was too sore to do anything else. Katie had a deep bond with Chance and repeatedly said, "I don't know what I would do if we couldn't save Chance."
At the end of March this year, Katie called me. Chance had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma - bone cancer. She said, "It all makes sense now why we raised that money. I never expected it would hit so close to home. Chance's mom has a job, but she doesn't make a ton of money. Treatment for Chance will be outside her reach. I'm going to do everything I can to help, but if we fall short, can Brown Dog help?"
Over the next several days, we moved Ashley through our process of Prequalification, the Application for Assistance and securing information from the Veterinarian. They decided to amputate his leg and consider a few short rounds of chemotherapy to buy him some time.
Just before the 2nd round of chemo, Chance developed another tumor and fluid in his chest. The prognosis went from favorable to not. That was mid-May. On June 6th, Chance was unable to keep going. He passed away quietly with his mom at his side and the Doctors at Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners who provided his treatment and hope for his family.
Osteosarcoma is one of the most vicious of canine cancers taking the life of the dog within a year. Most dogs seldom survive past 6 months, with or without treatment. Osteosarcoma occurs ten times more frequently in dogs than in humans. Sometimes, providing a regimen of holistic supplements and a cancer-fighting diet in addition to amputation and chemotherapy can improve length and quality of life. In our experience with the condition, all three pets we assisted had different results. You know Chance's story, here are the other two:
Loki (2007) - a 10-year old German Shepherd owned by a young couple who had just relocated to Tennessee. In the process of selling their home in CA and buying a home in TN, they were unable to provide for Loki. They paid for the amputation of his leg and Brown Dog paid 75% toward 4 chemotherapy sessions (with donated medications). Loki lived nearly 9 months post treatment.
Winnie (2008) - a pitbull mix who had enjoyed a 13 year lifespan. Winnie's owner opted not to amputate her leg. She chose the less-invasive palliative treatment of pain management and steroids. Winnie's owner decided not to amputate her leg. Winnie lived for 4 months post-diagnosis.
So, why is Chance my latest inspiration? We are thrilled that we could give Loki, Winnie and Chance a good quality of life for their last months with their family. We also know that their families greatly appreciated the opportunity to try everything possible. Loki's family donates and volunteers. Winnie's mom made several quilts and bags for us to auction off before she passed away in 2009. And, Chance's mom is already trying to figure out how she can get involved.
Your donations make it possible for us to provide this hope to more families.
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